Initial Consultation Bioresonance
For assessing and treating patients tailored to their body's frequency.
Service Description
<p>MORA III Bioresonance helps detect low frequency disruptions in the body such as allergens and disease. Treatment uses remedies which are matched to your body's frequency to help promote cure.</p> The Bioresonance is a state of the art German-design device that measures the body's frequency and identifies frequency imbalances, including allergens, organ imbalance, and physiological imbalance in the body. It then identifies which medicine can bring about balance and is administered as drops. Non invasive assessment and long lasting treatment.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel your appointment, please ensure you contact us a minimum of 24 hours prior to your appointment to avoid a cancellation fee of $60.
Contact Details
Plantessence Health Clinic & Naturopaths Online, Para Road, Greensborough VIC, Australia
253 Para Road, Greensborough VIC, Australia
253 Para Road, Greensborough VIC, Australia